Born 14 October in Nanchong, Sichuan, China.
1915Enrolls at the Shanghai Art Academy.
Travels to Tokyo.
Enrolls at the Kawabata Art School, Tokyo.
Enrolls at the East Asian Higher Preparatory School (Toa Koto Yobi Gakko).

Courtesy of Antoine Chen, Hsing Tai Color Printing Company
Returns to Shanghai.
Travels to Marseille, France.
Arrives Paris.
Enrolls at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Paris.
Travels to Berlin.
Returns to Paris.
Enrolls at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière.
Joins the Heavenly Dog Society.
Exhibits at Salon d’Automne, Tuileries, Paris.
1926Travels to Shanghai.
Participates in exhibition of Wang Jiyuan’s Western-style paintings at Sinmay Zau’s residence, Shanghai.
Exhibits in Joint Exhibition, Thrifty Virtue Savings Society, Shanghai.
Exhibits in The Eighth Heavenly Horse Society Art Exhibition, International Institute of China, Shanghai.
Returns to Paris.
Marries Marcelle de la Hardrouyère.
Exhibits at Salon d’Automne, Grand Palais, Paris.
Meets Henri-Pierre Roché.
Exhibits in Der Schöne Mensch in der Neuen Kunst, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt.
Publishes three copperplate etchings in Les poèmes de T’ao Ts’ ien.
Exhibits at Salon des Tuileries, Cours-la-Reine, Paris.
Divorces Marcelle de la Hardouyère.
Sanyu: Dessins au Pinceau, Éditions Bonaparte, Paris.
Meets Johan Franco.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Tuileries, Néo Parnasse, Paris.
Listed in the Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains, 1910–1930.
Participates in a group exhibition of drawings, Shanghai Art Academy, Shanghai.
Expositie Yu Sanyu, J. H. de Bois Gallery, Haarlem.
Participates in the inaugural exhibition of the Storm Society, Chinese Academy of Arts, Shanghai.
Takes part in Exposition de la Peinture Chinoise, Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris.
Sanyu, Kunstzaal van Lier, Amsterdam.
Exhibits in International Group, Marie Sterner Galleries, New York.
Nieuw werk door Sanyu, Kunstzaal van Lier, Amsterdam.
Exhibits in Naakt en Bloemen, Kunstzaal van Lier, Amsterdam.
Hailed champion of ping-tennis by French press.
Exhibits in Snow Painted in the Torrid Sun, Marie Sterner Galleries, New York.
Exhibits in Modern Art from the Galleries of Marie Sterner, Rains Auction Rooms, New York.
Participates in ping-tennis competition at Le Figaro hosted by Wellington Koo, ROC ambassador to France.
Exhibits at Salon des Tuileries, Néo Parnasse, Paris.
Attends Berlin Olympics to promote ping-tennis.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Esplanade des Invalides, Paris.
Returns to China (summer).
Returns to Paris (fall).
Exhibits in Exposition-Vente de Soieries d’Art Lyonnaise, Jacques Mourer store, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon d’Automne, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon d’Hiver, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
1944Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
Publishes “Opinion d’un peintre chinois sur Picasso.”
Publishes “Conte Chinois.”
Publishes “Ma sœur et ses deux singes.”
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
Exhibits in Kunst in Vrijheid, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Exhibits at Salon d’Hiver, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Publishes “Sale Chinois! Pauvre Chinois!”
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.
Exhibition of Works by Sanyu, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon d’Automne, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Exposition des Peintures de SAN-YU, Club Féminin, Paris.
Publishes “Les souliers et l’alcool.”
Publishes “Uppercuts de grillons . . . et spectateurs chinois.”
Exhibits at Salon des Tuileries, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Exhibits in Le Salon
Exhibits in Présentation et Vente de Dessins et Toiles, 3 rue des Pyramides, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris.
Exhibits in Quatre Peintres Chinois en France Exposition, Office d’information du gouvernement chinois, Paris.
Travels to New York.
Meets Robert Frank.
Competes for Prix Hallmark, Galerie Beaux-Arts, Paris.
East Meets West: Exhibition of Paintings by San Yu and Putnam, Passedoit Gallery, New York.
Returns to Paris.
Exhibits in A Group of Important Paintings from the Passedoit Gallery of New York with a Group of Paintings and Drawings of Artists of New Orleans, 331 Gallery, New Orleans.
Competes for Prix Hallmark, Galerie Beaux-Arts, Paris.
1954Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris.
Establishes the Sport Association for Ping-Tennis, Paris.
Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris.
1957Exhibits at Salon des Indépendants, Grand Palais, Paris.
Participates in Triennale de la Jansonne, Château de la Jansonne, Raphèle-lès-Arles.
Participates in Salon
Designs exhibition catalogue for Chang Tai-chien’s Les Lotus Géants exhibition at the Cernuschi Museum.
Teaches ping-tennis at Club de Bagatelle, Paris.
1963Invited by Huang Jilu to have exhibition in Taiwan.
Exhibits in Exposition de Peintures et Sculptures Chinoises d’Aujourd’hui, Maison internationale de la cité universitaire, Paris.
Ships forty-four paintings to Taiwan.
SAN-YU exhibition, Lévy residence, Paris.
1966Dies of gas asphyxiation in his studio at 28 rue de la Sablière, Paris.